At The End Of The Day

Biden is casting aspersions, like he always does.
Thinking about it, I guess it's because.
Him and his demonrats, have sunk to new lows.
So quick to follow which way the wind blows.
They jump to conclusions, this way and that.
Intentionally landing where the truth isn't at.
Believing the phony polls from the MSM news.
Calling them winners, when they're gonna lose.
Biden's roundly hated and he doesn't know.
He thinks he's a hero, not "out to lunch Joe".
He's pampered and catered to, set up to fail.
He'll be cast aside, like unread junk email.
After the midterms, Joe's reign will be through.
They'll install a new puppet, from the demonrat zoo.
Someone who's malleable, who has mush for brains.
Another frontman for evil, Satan holding their reins.
It will most likely be Kamala, her heads full of chowder.
Another brain dead puppet, nothing inspiring about her.
No one believes lies when they're delivered by fools.
Unless it's their base of brainwashed commie ghouls.
The left is desperate, they know they won't win.
Americans know the difference twixt d-rats and men.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/4/22