It’s All About Trump

The vultures were circling, fresh carrion spotted.
Though it was still breathing, the carcass was rotted.
It was infected with vermin, demonrat scum.
It was obvious to all which swamp it crawled from.
The swamp called the deep-state, the home of Joe Biden.
Where the worst kind of critters were found to be hidin'.
two-faced liars and charlatans, dregs of the earth.
The spawn of the Devil, no self-redeeming worth.
Persecuters of innocence, lies well-prepared.
Anyone known as a Trump, could never be spared.
Trump Derangement Syndrome, had infected the land.
 Biden the worst of the bunch from his Whitehouse grandstand
Washington's biggest coward, with his DOJ flunkies.
Washington was infected with fentenyl junkies.
The Donald's the victim, the left's favorite scapegoat.
The one alway's blamed when Joe's rocking the boat.
Let's investigate Biden, let's get that ball rolling.
Let's ignore all the stupid made up democrat polling.
It's time the demonrats pay for the damage they've done.
How the country's been compromised by Biden and Son
D.L. Crockett --11/20/22
For the election they've stolen