Who Woulda Thunk

If I don't trust Joe Biden, am I a goverment denier.
Would it make me a racist, to call Joe a liar.
If he lies about everything, is that okay to say.
Could I be disappeared, made to just go away.
Is truth only accepted from those willing to lie.
That don't answer questions and won't tell you why.
Why believe Joe Biden, he's an incompetent fool.
A feckless commie toady, who's broke every rule.
If anyone needs investigating it's Biden and son.
Let's unravel the web of corruption they've spun.
I predict Merrick Garland, cuts his own throat.
In another witchhunt to get Donald Trump's goat.
The left can't keep track of it's lies and it's schemes.
It's anti-Trump pogroms and wore out pipedreams.
Trump is still standing, Biden can't stand up straight.
You can't run a government on spite and empty plates.
They've doubled down on stupid, who woulda thunk.
It's what I'd expect from a couple demonrat punks.
Garland and Biden, fools working in tandem.
Proven bigger baboons than Norton and Kramden.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/23/22