This Is More Like It

Ask the right question, Joe Biden warns.
Or I'll beat your butt, out behind the barn.
His spittle is flying, his finger is poking.
He say's it's no joke, so he's not joking.
Peter Doocy hangs in there, mike in Joe's face.
Till Biden yells angrily, "Get out of my space".
There's no damn laptop, 40 experts have spoken.
It's Russian collusion, Hunter's heart is broken.
Go investigate Trump, he's guilty as hell.
What Trump is guity of, no one will tell.
I'll win the election, beating Trump like a drum.
Trump is corrupted, election stealing scum.
Trump is guilty of bribery, quid-pro-quo.
That I'm on camera bragging just isn't so.
Hunter's a good son, he's done nothing wrong.
I don't discuss business with him, we just get along.
There isn't a laptop, it's a conservative plot.
Trump can't win the election, this lie's all he's got.
The MSM lines up behind Joe, they cover his ass.
They bury the truth and Joe gets a big pass.
The laptop is buried, though they know it's true.
In your face denials is what demonrats do.
Then nearly 3 years later it's "Lo and Behold".
CBS says the laptop is real, a load of BS we were sold.
If the truth hadn't been buried, Trump would have won.
And this usurper in D.C. would be long gone.
It's time for the Biden's to pay for their crimes.
To accept their earned legacy of American slime.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/27/22