A Double Edged Message

Biden wants to help transgender kids achieve their God-given potential.
The height of Joe's pandering seems to grow ever more exponential.
It's time for this demented old fool to be impeached and canned.
Then God can decide if he should be eternally damned.
Joe knows nothing of morals, he needs a conscience for that.
There's no room for a conscience in the mind of a sick demonrat.
His is the mind of a pervert, who's selling Lucifer's plan.
Steering us down the highway to Hell as fast as he can.
He wants taxpayer funded  abortion on demand.
While celebrating 63 million abortions on his soapbox grandstand.
There's no-one more evil than a fool with a compromised brain.
Who's in the thrall of our enemies, working for Lucifer's gain.
He's the mouthpiece of Satan, the devil's puppet dujour.
Claiming to be a God-fearing man while playing Lucifer's whore.
I'm not thankful for Biden on this day of Thanksgiving.
I'm not thankful how Joe's destroyed the good life I was living.
I'm thankful for the gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ.
How his love and redemption can always suffice.
I'm thankful for his path which I willingly follow.
For his promise of forgiveness which never rings hollow.
 For the dicernment, to tell truth from dishonest replies.
For the ability to see through the adherents of the Master of lies.
When I sit down to dinner I'll be more thankful for the repast in store.
My eyes will be opened wider to what this holiday's for.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/24/22