A Fractious Fairy Tale

Wallowing wantonly, in It's own mess.
The Brandon looked up, in obvious distress.
It's thinking was muddled, It's actions obscene.
It's thoughts lost to posterity, It's teeth pale green.

It's grin once so impish, now twisted with hate.
It seemed things were bulging, under It's pate.
Driven mad by strange voices inside It's skull.
Insanely it slammed,  It's head into the wall.

The demonrats had created, a Brandon gone mad.
It tore off on a tear, It's wiring gone bad.
The D-Rats ran off in terror, The Brandon rampaged.
They watched from a distance, as it grew more enraged.

It took to the streets like a retarded Godzilla.
Wreaking mass havoc, one big, stupid fella.
It was looking for Demonrats, they all gave It the slip.
Like Demonrats do, they were all jumping ship.

The call  went out, for Barrack and Michelle.
Hoping they were the heroes to send the Brandon to Hell.
Their hopes were dashed, the Obama's went on CNN.
Putting the blame for the Brandon, on the Orange Man again.

The Donald showed up and with reckless abandon.
With one mighty punch, knocked out the Brandon.
With that mighty punch, the darkness withdrew.
The light flooded in, the Brandon was through.

The Donald was back, the country was saved.
The people rejoiced, no longer enslaved.
The left picked up it's Brandon and returned thence to Hell.
The future looked bright, once again all was well.
D.L. Crockett --- 1/11/22