A Life Less Lived. [part 1]

My parents were prescient, I was a damn fool.
They gave me structure, I broke all their rules.
I could have gone far, I chose mediocrity.
I cast aside everything, I destroyed my integrity.
Something for nothing, my mom used to say.
In friends or in life, will lead you astray.
 No truer words have ever been spoken.
No greater cause for so many hearts broken.
My dad was my hero, silent and strong.
I thought I knew everything, was I ever wrong.
I saw the great hurt in my parents eyes.
As they saw me succomb to Lucifer's lies.
They saw the future I was throwing away.
I thought I was a rebel and went my own way.
Drugs are anathema to one's mental health.
How else could I let myself wallow in filth.
I surrounded myself with lost souls like me.
How can I say it, misery loves company.
The first love of my life was murdered for drugs.
By drug addled killers, misguided thugs.
She ripped off the wrong people, in a need to get high.
They gave her a hotshot and left her to die.
My heart was broken, drugs assuaged my pain.
So in my own personal hell I sadly remained.
Chasing the dragon it was rightfully called.
Seeking the ultimate rush that ends it all.
All other relationships were doomed at the start.
You think it's true love, but drugs tear you apart.
My soul was hurting, I knew I was lost.
The tempest was raging and on it I tossed.
For years it went on, my soul cried for help.
There was no help for me, I convinced myself.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/25/23