A Little Ditty

Intelligence snoozing, demonrats schmoozing,
 is there a common connection.
Is this a side effect, of the left's total neglect,
of Biden's stolen election.
Who's fault could it be, we're no longer free,
is this government dereliction.
I say without hesitation, it's an infestation,
 some kind of swamp thing infection.
Kids getting dumber, look at the numbers, 
our Fearless Leader's a clown.
We've got tranny attacks, political hacks,
too many noses are brown.
Democrats suck, always passing the buck,
tearing America down.
Hypocritical fools, bought off Chinese tools,
in every American town.
No visible buffers, times getting tougher,
demonrats out of control.
What's happening here, something is qu**r,
Satan is on a big roll.
Are these the end days, in myraids of ways,
America's selling her soul.
Is that the big plan, like Afghanistan,
is that the demonrats goal.
They smile and smirk, no longer work,
democrats are all on the dole.
They've all been sucked in, drowning in sin,
into the devil's black hole.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/3/23