A Long Way to Go

We have a long way to go to get out of this mess.
A mess caused by demonrats, one they won't address.
They're always quick though, to hand out false blame.
Or to jump on fake news to cast aspersions of same.
They act without thinking, always passing dumb laws.
They surely don't read them or address any flaws.
They're quick with the pandering, promises too.
Misleading and lying about what the law's meant to do.
The clueless are clapping, expecting free stuff.
Or money for nothing, of which they can't get enough.
The democrats hand them money, out of our pockets.
Relief from their thievery is not on their dockets.
Our votes can't be bought, and we won't sell our souls.
We're nothing but obstacles to fulfilling their goals.
We the People are in the majority, they know this is true.
Disregarding the constitution is what they then do.
They won't follow court orders, they ignore all the rules.
They show their true colors, their demonrat blues.
They must control everything, our daughters and sons.
They constantly say they're coming after our guns.
They can't let us stand up to them, we must be put down.
Our king sits in the Whitehouse under his stolen crown.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/22/23