Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Get your Monkey Pox Vaccine.
You don’t want suppurating pustules or pale green skin.
Masks will soon be mandated to wear on your butt.
You must distance yourself, from the wrong kind of nut.
Don’t hangout in bathrooms, if you do, don’t sit down.
It seems on toilet seats, this virus is most often found.
Don’t play with monkeys or let them play with you.
Scientist’s are still learning what this virus can do.
They claim10% of it’s victims are going to die.
If you’ve had a smallpox shot, the chances aren’t high.
So follow our guidelines and do as we say.
Maybe in a few years, monkey pox, will just go away.
A “Pox” on those Monkey’s, Monkey’s be damned.
Did they work with Biden and the whole thing is planned.
Cute, little innocent monkey’s, give us a break.
A convenient scapegoat, the whole things a fake.
There’s a movie called “Outbreak” about a monkey virus.
What’s next on the marquee, a virus named “Cyrus”
Maybe the cure for scare-tactics is a big grain of salt.
Look at it that way, this nonsense should halt.
D.L. Crockett — 5/23/22