A Rant For the Times

There's nothing good about nothing, exactly what Joe Biden does.
The fool can't even remember who he once supposedly was.
Another demon passing as human, under Lucifer's thumb.
The result of demonrat scheming, a slice of American scum.

It's sad he's adored by our gullible, clueless ignorant clowns.
Those recognized as the garbage, infesting our college towns.
Those pushing leftist agendas, those who know nothing at all.
Those brainwashed by the crap, sloshing around in their skulls.

The blind leading the blind, all proud to be headed for hell.
A great service to their masters, spewing communist swill.
It's a fine mess d-rats have created, with their assinine dreams.
Blithely marching to their doom, immune to all tortured screams.

It's all hunky-dory and groovy, not one of them sees the light.
They'd rather put faith in Biden a fool who's up in the night.
We're led by professional liars, instigating fools to get in our face.
That's why our go to defence, is to carry a huge can of mace.

The picture I paint isn't funny, it's a recipe to make us all sick.
It's hurting millions of people, cutting America's soul to the quick.
Jo Biden is leading the cheering, Joe is his own biggest fan.
Happily working for Satan, claiming he's a good Christian man.

What good is a man without scruples, a man bereft of a conscience.
What good is a hateful, compromised,sickly, sackful of nonsense.
Stupid is as stupid does, Joe Biden glorifies who he never was.
Why do democrats vote for Joe Biden, I guess it's just because.

Because he does the left's bidding, he kisses Barack's skanky a*s.
He's a sheep in wolves clothing, an old fool who doesn't like gas.
He caters to any Trump haters, he's thrown his hat in that ring.
He doesn't follow the constitution, he waves it off as "that thing"
D.L. Crockett -- 4/7/23
