A Reptilian Ballad

On his way to ignominy, Joe Biden stopped in D.C.
For a sick twisted reptile, it was the right place to be.
There was grift and corruption, opportunities galore.
Where a man with no scruples could open some doors.
From New Castle County, he sprang straight to the senate.
He had a talent for lying, and he was quick to defend it.
36 years later he was rich, but hadn't grown as a man.
Feathering his personal nest was his most pressing plan.
He'd been peddling his influence, some say all along.
With no moral compass, he didn't care it was wrong.
Both parties did it, it was what D.C. had to offer.
He told himself he wasn't the only one filling their coffers.
His bank accounts swelled both here and overseas.
With no need for repentence, Joe stayed off of his knees.
He had everyone hornswoggled, wool pulled over their eyes.
No one noticed all of his promises were soon to be lies.
He set his eyes on the presidency, his first campaign failed.
He grabbed on to Obama's coattails and into power he sailed.
He used his job as vice president to further feather his nest.
It became a family endeavor, and the Biden's were the best.
For 8 long years Joe's fortune grew, along with his greed.
Being Obama's endorsed successor would fill all Joe's needs.
Alas and alack, the hag Hillary Clinton jumped in Joe's way.
And Joe's nemesis, The Donald, won the election going away.
4 more busy years on the sidelines, Joe built his machine.
In 2021 Joe won the most fraudulent election, anyone's seen.
Now he's ensconced in the white house on a usurper's throne.
So scared of the Donald coming back, he won't leave him alone.
 Biden made his own bed in which his whole life he's slumbered.
He sees the writing on the wall knowing his days are numbered.
Biden's enjoyed his ignominy, now he's bound for oblivion.
It wouldn't surprise anyone to learn Joe's an alien reptilian.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/26/23