A Tribute to Biden

Perfectly fitting for these the end times, 
our country's awash in immigrant crimes.
Here at our wide open southern border shall stand,
A monument to a madman welcoming aliens to our land.
Arms spread wide open with his head up his a*s,
Giving the enemies of America a free pass.
He cares not who's coming is not checking names,
In one hand he's holding our constitution in flames.
The father of all imbeciles, he exhorts them to come, 
not giving one hoot in hell what sh*thole they're from.
What weapons they're packing, what's in they're backpacks.
We put money in hands, welcome pats on their backs.
He flings the gates open allowing a crimewave to cross.
He fears no retribution, America pays the cost.
Send us your sex traffikers , your terrorist scum.
Your drugs and the communists beating their drums.
I welcome the refuse from your teeming shores.
I hold the gates open while America is screaming NO MORE!x
D.L. Crockett -- 9/29/29