Agenda Destruction?

Expectations have fallen, trust no longer exists.
The DOJ punishes democrats, with slaps on the wrist.
 Fearless leader keeps walking, sometimes falling down.
His hair never gets ruffled under his usurpers crown.
His back is well covered, his lies turned into truth.
There's too many demonrats in MSM broadcast booths.
Hunter's brain is still addled, still high on the drugs.
The White House welcomes his drug-dealing thugs.

The senate's a nursing home for burnt out politicians.
Perhaps there's an opening for a senate mortician.
What's wrong with retiring after a lifetime of service.
Reelecting so many zombies does America a diservice.
The house is a cluster-muck, where nothing gets done.
If democrats know about truth it's how it gets spun.
The democrats say they're bipartisan, but democrats lie.
It's just a line they toss out there hoping it still flies.

 Fund a department of justice where justice isn't found?
Is an exercise in futility, using thinking that's unsound.
 Proving your innocence when they can't prove your guilt.
It defies our constitution, on which our country was built.
 Now we're convicting innocent people in kangaroo courts.
While Joe Biden looks on approvingly, soiling his shorts.
When justice is weaponized, the left points it like a gun.
They paint targets on backs and make up what you've done.

Will our republic survive, is the left running scared.
From their communist nightmare will America be spared.
Will they pay for their crimes, their usurpation of power.
Or will the left drag America into the worlds darkest hour.
Is their dream of a new world order a nuclear halocaust.
When caution is tossed to the wind accepting any cost.
The democrat party has finally gone stark raving mad.
Will it be discovered too late the whole world's been had.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/2/23