Al to the Rescue

Why does anyone listen to a race baiter like Sharpton.
Who would give a platform to this racist charlatan.
He crawls out of the woodwork, when he hears sirens.
Ignorantly looking for whites inside his environs.
Whenever a white man kills a black man in self defence.
Al shows up with his race card and the riots commence.
He calls it vigilantism before any facts are known.
He's a loud mouthed murderous, hateful little gnome.
Sharpton can shove his race card up his scrawny butt.
He's the worst kind of instigator, a publicity slut.
Like Mr. Clean, Sharpton is always the first on the scene.
With his lies ready to go, race pandering is his thing.
He's quick to pervert the truth, and spread racist lies.
He's the MSM's go to racist, for rote racist replies.
When the truth does come out proving Al's full of shit.
Al drops out of the picture, but he won't ever quit.
The race baiting and hustling, swell Al's balloon head.
Especially if some black career criminal winds up dead.
Sharpton will be there, like a sick publicity junkie.
Happy to spread chaos and hate like Lucifer's flunky.
The fool ran for president, to get his ugly mug on the tube.
In Australia he'd be identified as a pesky dag or droob.
He does nothing not meant to feed his sick twisted ego.
Al is too caught up in himself to have a single amigo.
He's made millions of dollars with his pandering schictk.
He's an inspiration for others who are racist and sick.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/6/23