All For Nothing

How many thousands of terrorists, has Joe Biden encouraged.
How many enemies of America has he abetted and nourished.
Are the democrats so stupid they can't see what's being done.
They're allowing us to be invaded by these terrorist scum.
That in itself is enough to impeach this braindead old fool.
He's trampled on the constitution, makes up his own rules.
He thinks he's a dictator, passing laws with his damn pen.
With one single flourish, followed by Joe's stupid a*s grin.
Joe Biden's cabinet cannot saddle us with edicts or laws.
They can't force compliance by shoving it down our craws.
The supreme court rules against them, that ruling's ignored.
What's happening to America is worse than being Al Gored.
Their lies are outrageous and in our face outright blatant.
 It's obvious he's someones lap dummy, his head is vacant.
Joe's not running the show, he's just running his mouth.
It's too bad climate change doesn't cause Joe verbal drought.
Anything bad for our republic is what this idiot's doing.
His Legacy is lying and giving America a thourough screwing.
Now the craps hit the fan, hopefully Joe's days are numbered.
Kamala's ready to step up, another fool we're sadly encumbered.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/14/23