Amorality Reigns

The left is satanic, amorality reigns.
Bent on controlling easily influenced brains.
We can’t find the truth, where untruths  are told.
We look on demoralized, as our future is sold.

Silencing truth, while promoting lies.
Is the demonic plan, how a society dies.
Our government seems to  not care in the least.
Demonrats have accepted the mark of the beast.

They’re working overtime, destroying God’s plan.
Spreading their evil, across the whole land.
An assault on free agency, on freedom of choice.
On the 1st ammendment, stifling our voice.

The party of abortion, has aborted the truth.
Decrying past prophecies, denying what’s sooth.
You dare to speak out, you must be ostracized.
Your truths must be mocked, defied and denied.

We must renew our covenant, our vow to God.
We must stand up to, the Master of Fraud.
Our nation was founded by God fearing men.
We must honor our vows, not sellout to sin.

Satan's plan is to tempt us with temporal vices.
Entrapping our souls in this amoral crisis.
We must submit our wills to God as free men.
We must open our hearts and let God back in.

Satan’s lies are bought into, then spread about.
Capturing  souls,  overwhelmed by Self doubt.
The appetite for God’s word is in sharp decline.
We must remember and teach, God’s law is divine.

We must spread God’s word, we must share God’s love.
We must implore his forgiveness, for help from above.
Only then will the adversary, withdraw his control.
Back into his arms, God well welcome, every lost soul.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/12/21