Pipedream Analytics

Are democrats racist, damn straight they are!
Be they black, white or whomever's driving their car.
Is the government too intrusive, does a bear crap in the woods.
It destroys what it touches, look at their own hoods.
Blacks slaughtering blacks, democrats blame the guns.
They can't blame the killers, that's not how it's done.
Blame conservatives, make up a racist connection.
Don't try thinking it through, what good is circumspection.
Whip out that race card, blame it all on the whites.
It can't be democrat failed policies, so scapegoat the right.

Is the truth being ignored,  is there a sun in the sky?
Why speak to the truth when it's so easy to lie.
It's easy selling lies to the braindead democrat base.
Usually found cowering in their special safe space.
It can't be a lie, if some fool believes the lie's true.
How can you argue  with such logic, what can you do.
If a promise means nothing, why do fools still believe.
Do they fill their safe spaces with the BS, recieved.
Why are liars successful, they pander to fools.
College taught useful idiots are their favorite tools.

Do democrat policies suck, do d-rats love sinking ships.
Do they create crisis situations, on their power trips.
What replaces commonsense in democrat schemes.
Is it all plots from Hell and ridiculous marxist pipedreams.
Do they have a plan besides throwing crap at the wall.
Is it petrified brains bouncing around in their skulls.
If communism has never succeeded, try, try again.
 When the world's destroyed is when communists win.
When everyone is either dead and cold in the ground.
Or blown into oblivion, the ashes drifting all around.

Is it possible to not be divided?, Do horses have wings?
How can we ever unite when we want different things.
Democrats thrive on chaos and all forms of disorder.
They love open gates on an unsecured 2000 mile border.
The right wants free enterprise, a capitalist society.
A return to fair elections and much fewer improprieties.
We hear "let's work together, we must all get along"
Thinking it will happen if we're all hitting the bong.
At the same time sowing disunity between white and black.
One more democrat pipedream, too much smoking the crack.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/25/23