Another Day in Paradise

I opened my wallet and choked on the dust.
I checked my bank account and sorely I cussed.
I opened my cupboards, I saw they were bare.
I went out on my porch, to my rocking chair.
I rocked and I pondered, my blood pressure rose.
I noticed a smell, from my bedraggled clothes.
The flies noticed it too, they were buzzing my head.
I jumped up from my rocker, back inside I fled.
I tripped over my dog hit my head on my bed.
I was hurting all over, I wasn’t able to move.
I found my TV remote and turned on the tube.
There was Joe Biden saying to pay our fair share.
That’s when I sank into, the pits of despair.
I yanked off my shoe, I threw it at Joe.
I was sick of seeing him on every news show.
My shoe hit Joe in the face, the tv exploded.
Thank God, I thought, Joe’s been demoted.
With Joe out of my face, my day brightened up.
I pulled out my cheap whiskey and had a few cups.
Soon I was snockered, I forgot where I was.
I had double vision, one hell of a buzz.
I forgot about Biden and my sad situation.
Both of them together were a bad combination.
Another day in paradise over, another tv gone.
I’d wake up tomorrow and perhaps carry on.
D.L. Crockett — 6/16/22