Arbiters of Destruction

Government can't be the arbiter of truth,
The DOJ can't decide who is guilty,
but Merrick Garland sure tries.
The FBI can't harass the innocent,
Christopher Wray laughs in our faces.
Government by the people for the people,
is not what President Biden embraces.
We are not a one party system,
why do democrats seek total control,
The constitution forbids one party dominion,
why then is that the demonrats goal.
The left can't take away our free speech,
that means they stay out of our lives.
We can't be told what we can buy,
Government can't decide who survives.
Government provides our security,
guaranteeing a safe secure border.
not by enabling an ongoing invasion,
creating chaos, death and disorder.
Screw the left's new world order,
to Hell with the communist riff-raff.
To hell with these misguided morons,
we must separate the wheat from the chaff.
Its time the unelected puppetmaster,
the one pulling Joe Biden's strings.
Needs to be flushed out into the open,
Its time we put an end to these things.
If we want honest arbiters of the truth,
We'd best put that trust in ourselves,
To hell with lies, deciet and fakery,
the crap in which the left delves.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/9/23