
Will Donald Trump be arrested, will the left sink that low.
That's a damn stupid question because we all know.
The left feels empowered, the demons are seizing control.
Making an example of Trump is their ultimate goal.
They are sending a message, a message meant for us.
We are about to get run over by the demonrat  magic bus.
We must answer to scumbags for voting for Trump.
This time they hope they don't wind up getting chumped.

The Donald needs to pay for things he hasn't done.
He must pay for the lies, leftist liars have spun.
There must be a consequence, for telling the truth.
One that will be decided by the Left's Hitler Youth.
The constant persecution will never be enough.
He must be smeared and slandered with made up stuff.
He must kowtow to idiots, must play by their rules.
He must put up with jacka** prejudiced commie fools.

These people are evil, pathetic pieces of sh*t.
Like a dog worrying a bone, the fools never quit.
One lie after another, paid for, perjured testimony.
The Trump days are over and they want their palimony.
The Donald might be worried, but he isn't surprised.
He'll have the last laugh, he'll be slapping his thighs.
He will gain popularity, he will broaden his base.
The left will continue to lie, wanting to save face.

Another rush will be made on the local popcorn store.
We know we'll be entertained by more scruplless whores.
Another Soro's bought prosecutor with another flimsy case.
They will never back off, till Trump's out of the race.
That's the trouble with liars they don't think things through.
They pick biased jurors trained to think lies are true.
They waste our tax dollars in hate inspired witch hunts.
Another failure in a long line of prejudiced political stunts.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/22/23