How Dare They

How dare a black man support Donald Trump.
Such a predilection openly defies demonrat rules.
How dare a black man say, Trump has been chumped.
That's not what they're taught in our public schools.
They're taught subservience, to stupid ideology.
They're taught to judge others by racist biology.
 Taught they're owed everything, taught to be victims.
Taught by democrat leaders to accept racist dictums.
They've been blind to the truth, sold too many lies.
When they say they're conservative, the left is surprised.
That's when they're called Uncle Toms or white-adjacent.
Or a black white supremacist, someone evil and nascent.
Black people aren't victims, only to liberal whites.
Who push racial division in hopes a racewar ignites.
So how dare a black man decide to be his own man.
How dare he escape the democrat plantation if he can.
How dare he open his eyes and form his own conclusions.
How dare he call out the left for it's racial delusions..
How dare he strive to cast light on the demonrat lies.
How dare he try to influence others, to open those eyes.
Most of all how dare he vote for Trump, it should be a crime.
D-rats think an awakened black man should be doing time.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/29/23