Beating The Drum

Mr. Mumbles is speaking, can someone translate.
How can we be certain of America's Joe ordained fate.
He mumbles his way, straight through all his lies.
When we ask him to clarify, it's beneath him to reply.
The only time his message is heard loud and clear.
Is when he's screaming, MAGA voters, shouldn't be here.
We're evil, we'll be the death of our democracy.
Joe Biden's special brand of new deal demonrat lunacy.
They must stop Trump, America can't be great again.
They must do whatever it takes, to get them a win.
They will lie, cheat and steal, then blame the right.
For what democrats are doing, always in plain sight.
How much longer can I keep beating this drum.
Until Biden is sent back to the basement he's from.
Until the jacka*s he rode in on, returns for his butt.
Until the book on this idiot is finally sealed and shut.
Until Joe and his failed policies are kicked to the curb. 
Until getting "bidened" by Biden becomes a new verb.
Until Hell freezes over or the Earth goes up in flames.
Or the real culprit steps forward and takes all the blame.
Then I'll quickly shift gears and carry on as before.
With a new demonrat steppin up as Satan's new whore.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/26/22