Been There, Done That

There was a time, or so everyone thought.
When everyone was happy with what they've got.
Here we are living in the promised land.
Why is it some people can't understand.
You can't be happy with your neighbor's stuff.
If you're too lazy to work, that's just tough.
The "Life of Riley" isn't something that's given.
If you want nice stuff, then work for a livin.
We're not working for handouts given to you.
So you can live better than most of us do.
No one likes leeches that suck their blood.
Take care of yourself you American dud.
We don't want to support you, so get a job.
This goes for drug addicts who murder and rob.
You don't deserve sympathy for being thugs.
It's not our fault you're hooked on drugs.
Grow a damn spine and pull yourselves up.
I have no compassion for a useless schlup.
Democrats are happy wasting our money on you.
Buying your vote, that's what they do.
You're a withering vine, getting ready to die.
What good is a loser who's lives to get high.
I speak from experience, I've been where you are.
The path you're on won't take you too far.
To a paupers cemetary or an unmarked grave.
Or a life of misery as one of Lucifer's slaves.
Government programs won't save your life.
Or put an end to your self-induced strife.
If you really want help, reach out to God.
Put your trust in him, not some political fraud.
You'll awaken one day thinking, where have I been.
With an addiction to life, not to getting high again.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/10/23