Biden & The C.C.P.

The Chinese Communist Party are like rats in the woodwork.
It seems in every dark corner, their agents might lurk.
They're free to float spy balloons, acoss our whole land.
Why Joe Biden allows this to happen, no one understands.
Are Jinping and Brandon in cahoots, working together.
Do we now count on the Chinese to report America's weather.
Are we being set up, is Joe Biden in the pocket of the Chinese.
Is Biden a traitorous backstabbing rat, an American sleaze.
The Border's unsecured, the floodgates stand wide open.
The Chinese and who else take advantage, who's interlopin'
The Chinese openly supply Fentenyl to Mexican cartels.
The Cartels ship death to our cities creating scenes from Hell.
Who's crossing our border, this administration doesn't care.
Has Biden been paid off for this, or actively collecting his share.
Chinese jails and police forces are discovered in our cities.
Paid for and operated by Red Chinese illegal committees.
The Chinese spend billions, buying valuable American land.
Land near nuclear installations, again I do not understand.
Biden gave the Chinese, our Bakram airbase in afghanistan.
It's a recipe for destruction this administration is allowing.
While Biden hides in his basement, most likely cowering.
Biden is paving the way for Chinese world dominion.
But just to protect myself, I'll call it all my opinion.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/22/23