Biden’s Big Lie

The MSM's Corruption is exposed, where's their contrition.
Scruples and morals are swept aside by their evil ambition.
They lied, they ran cover, for the Joe Biden campaign.
To expect remorse that's not felt, defines being insane.
It's swept aside as old news, news they never covered.
They looked and looked, but the truth was never discovered..
The FBI had the laptop, meaning they knew all along.
They suppressed the truth, Their motive was strong.
To protect a corrupt candidate, to snooker their sheeple.
Millions of Americans did know, they were't the right people.
It's corrupt, it's disgusting, it's the way of our demonrat left.
We have an evil, pandering president, of morals bereft.
He knows he is guilty, Biden has lied for over two years.
He hides behind his FBI stooges and their smoke and mirrors.
The FBI aided the Biden campaign in suppresing the story.
They pressured big tech into silence and made Trump their quarry.
It didn't take much pressuring, big tech fell into line.
No one would report the truth, everything would be fine.
Then for some unknown reason, CBS grew some balls.
What Trump and the right already knew finally hit the walls.
Will it matter, who knows, MSM's deniers are ready with lies.
They'll call it a conspiracy and it will all be denied.
It's old news, they're saying, although it could be true.
The election is history, what do we want them to do.
I want to see Biden investigated, I want heads to roll.
I want an end to democrat and MSM corruption, that's my goal
Will that ever happen, my expectations are not really high.
They will all smile in our faces and continue to lie.
D.L. Crockett -- 12/7/22