Biden’s Border

People are dying while our fearless leader is dithering.
He should be under political fire and it should be withering.
He should be impeached, for not honoring his oath.
He should be in prison, out of office, or probably both.
He's neglected the border, he prefers all the chaos.
He doesn't care a damn bit about the lives that are lost.
It's lies and deceit, any damn thing but honest reporting.
It's the American people he should be supporting.
Instead he panders to the illegals and lies to our faces.
If we deign to complain, we are painted as racists.
Biden allows this invasion, he needs open borders.
He has the mistaken idea, illegals will be Biden voters.
More likely they're criminals, many are terrorists.
This open border insanity, needs to cease and desist.
There's no chance that happens with our liar in chief.
He's destroyed national security like an in the night thief.
He plays with our future to realize a leftist pipedream.
To destroy our economy, for some communist scheme.
How many more will die, on his path to destruction.
How many fentenyl deaths because of his corruption.
Is it possible Joe Biden is spreading someone elses lies.
His being kept in the dark wouldn't be a surprise.
It's obvious the fool, doesn't know his own mind.
He's just an ignorant scapegoat, they were lucky to find.
Whatever Biden is, it's time he should be impeached.
It needs to happen, the breaking point has been reached.
It's time to end the invasion, we demand our security.
Before the left let's America slip into obscurity.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/4/23