Bidin’ With Barry

Don't be so condescending, Mr. Prsident, Sir.
Us poor little peons have too much to endure.
We don't like being lorded over by a fool such as you.
We don't like being ignored by your communist crew.
We see you're important, we see your swelled heads.
We see you care about Biden and secure his meds.
In your drive for power, please don't run over us.
It's no fun being dragged beneath your minibus.
Can't you show us compassion,  like you said.
Instead of pulling our lives down on our heads.
You're  not fooling anyone you're out of control.
It will soon be too late to redeem your  missing soul.
It's like the earth opened and out popped a ghoul.
A dead looking old geezer, his chin dripping drool.
In the 8 long years you and Barrack were together.
What else did you talk about besides changing weather.
Did you work out a split, on all the influence peddling.
Did either of you think it might be traitorous meddling.
Was it Barrack's idea to use your drug addled son.
Did he see you as washed up, or maybe too dumb.
Do you feel more secure with Barry pulling your strings.
Has he made you a rich man, besides other things.
It's all coming out in the open, the shits hitting the fan.
Barrack will throw you to the dogs, to save his own can.
If you don't act fast, it looks like you're going down.
Besides being Barry's puppet you'll soon be his clown.
 I know it probably won't happen, but what if it did.
What if you and Barry have secrets, he wants to stay hid.
He's a young man, at least he is compared to you.
He still has a future, your life is pretty much through.
Barrack has a legacy, yours is damaged beyond repair.
Why wouldn't your puppetmaster want you out of his hair.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/8/23
