Big Brother

You better watch out, you better not doubt, I'll tell you why.
We're all under surveilance by Big Brother's watching eyes.
There are eyes in the skies, eyes on phone poles.
Eyes that can read lettering on rings through your nose.
Eyes that can count every single hair on your head.
Eyes built with ears to record everything you've said.
Eyes that read your fingerprints as your're strolling past.
Eyes connected to machines that pull your record up fast.
Machines with alarms, that call the proper authorities.
Big Brother is watching and he's committing atrocities.
Every phone call you've made, every e-mail you've sent.
Is collected without warrants by our government.
It all goes to Utah and stored in the name of national security.
Kept for future NSA and FBI use in a spy center monstrosity.
It doesn't make me feel safer, it raises many questions.
There's info on all of us, they'll use without hesitation.
Rest assured they have complete dossiers on you and me.
Step out of line and you'll learn this is no land of the free.
It's the land of Big Brother, whose billion eyes are on us.
With room for us all to disappear under Big Brothers Bus.
 Free all the criminals to make room for enemies of the state.
Meaning us defiers of Big Brother, we who cannot relate.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/10/22