Blame it on Joey

Liars in high places, scum floats to the top.
Unbelievable nonsense, making jaws drop.
Mouth hanging open, stupid look on his face.
Message is garbled, rambling all over the place.
Kissing transgender asses, sh*t on his nose.
Can't wait to try on, his wifes pink pantyhose.
This is fearless leader, the clown of the hour.
 The thief of elections, usurper of power.
Pandering jackass, corrupt to the core.
Xi Jinping's demonrat flunky, and so much more.
With so much to offer, mountains of lies.
The democrat party, where honesty dies.
Enamored of idiots, junkies and fools.
Panders to groomers, his kind of ghouls.
We should bow to his wisdom. Yeah right.
Are we so stupid, do we welcome blight.
I'm filled with loathing, I have no respect.
We are shown nothing but total neglect.
His words ring so empty, same as his head.
What insane dreams are dreamed in his bed.
Nothing remembered, means nothing lost.
Claiming mental illness, defrays the cost.
Grinning insipidly, knowing crime pays.
 Left scratching our heads, Joe shuffles away.
In Demonrat circles,  justice isn't served.
For everyone else, it's justice undeserved.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/13/23