Blood of Damnation

Let's kill some more babies, say demonrats, rubbing their hands.
We need more room for illegal aliens and our vote stealing plans.
We'd be so much more popular, if we supported more partial birth.
 Eliminating another 64 million americans off the face of the earth.
No one hears their screaming as we suck out their tiny brains.
No one sees the tons of baby parts we flush down our clinic drains.
No one cares if the mothers are left damaged, permanently scarred.
Theres millions of college taught idiots that don't take it so hard.
They've drank tons of the kool-aid, their brains have been washed.
Any moral and useless scruples, have been effectively squashed.
Theres a hot spot in Hell, that's been reserved for these fools.
They take the slaughter so lightly, such well groomed ghouls.
The demonrats have made it a crime, to protest at the clinics.
Where the murderous slaughter of babies has become systemic.
The wonders of a college education, cannot be surpassed.
The morals of leftist commie professors are hard to outclass.
The babies go on being murdered, useful idiots dance for joy.
Biden postures and poses, the communists favorite poster boy.
His feet awash in the river of blood that drips from his hands.
Pandering to his master the adversary, is all he understands.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/28/23