Border Games

Some come to America for the freedom that's here.
They see it as something to cherish, a dream they hold dear.
They're willing to work, wanting to earn their own way.
If they do it legally by the book, with that I'm okay.
Some come with hands out, expecting them to be filled.
Free lodging, free food, free meds, and we foot the bill.
Some come bringing drugs, sowing suffering and death.
From ocean to ocean, across the land's breadth.
Some come as terrorists, here to cause death and destruction.
Smuggling bombs maybe poison, not fearing detection.
The fool in our Whitehouse, foolishly sent out the word.
No one on earth had seen or heard anything quite so absurd.
The message got out there, the floodgates were flung open.
The Border Patrol threw up thier arms with no way of coping.
Some illegals gave themselves up and were allowed to come in.
Given future court dates, they won't be seen ever again
Others crossed undeterred, no one knows who, poof they're gone.
No one knows the acts of destruction, they're likely bent on.
Or how many tons of drugs, the cartels have assuredly smuggled.
While safe in bed in his basement, fearless leader is snuggled.
What is Joe Biden's purpose, what could he possibly gain.
Who benefits from death, destruction and American's pain.
Is it the Chinese or the devil, who's happy when America's weak.
Or is it demonrats who are proud of our loose-boweled old freak.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/26/23