Things are hopping at the border, border-hopping hordes.
Border-hoppers, packing children, that Biden likes to hoard.
He stacks them up in cages, do they get auctioned off?
Sold to the highest bidder? At this the left will scoff.
Reporters are verboten, cameras are taboo.
We are not allowed to see, Biden’s border zoo.
Is there method to this madness, no method I can see.
Looks to me like total mayhem, Biden caused insanity.
Joe opened up the floodgates, implored them all to come.
Luring them with our tax dollars, using it as chum.
The only ones who profit, are Mexican cartels.
Making billions smuggling humans, sex trafficking as well.
Asked why this is happening, Joe Biden likes to lie.
Claiming, it’s not his fault, deny, deny, deny.
Sad but true, Trump’s wall isn't finished, it's wiped from history.
The cause of course, Joe Biden, it’s no great mystery.
The left looks to the future, counting uncast votes.
The children just a bonus, for this bunch of randy goats.
The lie the left is pushing, this is all Trump’s fault.
Joe can take that crap and ram it, way up in his vault.
We can never trust a demonrat, this is who they are.
You think they can’t get lower, they set a lower bar.
Joe, clueless as always, hunkers in the Whitehouse cellar.
Unaware of his surroundings, like any barrel bottom dweller.
The truth someday will out, Joe’s bubble will be popped.
Only after millions across our southern border, have unhindered hopped.
D.L. CROCKETT 4-4-2021