California Scheming

Democrat laws never stop anything, always making things worse.
Their effect on our society can be like we've been cursed.
California once was a paradise that they've turned into hell.
The once beautiful cities, are care centers for the sick and unwell.
They're not helping anyone, letting bums crap in the street.
Shoplifting is decriminalized, a year round trick or treat.
Police are told to stepdown and are letting the looting go on.
When does it all end? When the communists have finally won?
When anyone with a brain, has packed up and fled the state.
Businesses are fleeing, still the politicians cannot relate.
People die in the streets, needles litter the ground.
Addicts shoot up in plain sight, with cops standing around.
What are they thinking, chaos and death isn't workable.
Gavin Newsome thinks these ideas are more than exportable.
What destroys California, would be great for the nation.
He doesn't care who gets hurt, he likes rampant inflation
As a person he sucks, as a leader the worst kind of nightmare.
Unaware that his policies, in his own state sow death and despair.
He's insanity on steroids, yet the trained seals applaud.
Falling for the lies of the fool who wants to be a demonic God.
Anarchy never works, it's California's path to destruction.
It's a means to the beginning state planned commie infection
Newsom's ass should be put on a rail and rode out of town.
Tarred and feathered, put in a pillory, like a demonic clown.
He should never be idolized, worshipped like some kind of hero.
His promises of pie in the sky, wind up with you getting zero.
So put on your thinking caps and kick this fool to the curb.
What he has planned for America, is more than absurd.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/25/23


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