Call Me Stupidist

Call me the dumbist, I'm sick of dumb people.
Or call me stupidist, I hate stupid sheeple..
I hate their assinine statements and indecent behaviour.
I hate their talking points, the stupid ideas they belabour.
I'm sick of our tax dollars wasted supporting these fools.
I'm sick of the transgender goons, groomed in our schools.
I really don't care, if they're black, brown, yellow or white.
If they're happy being stupid, they create their own plight.
It's not my fault they taught themselves to act dumb.
They think they were cheated by where they come from.
What's next, reparations for idiots, the left's useful tools.
They should be happy, they've got their own rules.
They're free to live on the streets, free to destroy inner cities.
Freedom to live how they will. free speech to pander for pity.
Reparations for being born is is just unbridled greed.
We've got too many dumbas*es, more than anyone needs.