• Kamala Karma

    Turn over the reins of power to a new generation.A Marxist woman whose brain’s in stagnation.Who doesn’t care about morals, who didn’t get a vote.A cackling Democrat witch, the democrats quote.A whore who slept her way to the top, ask Willie Brown.She’s a coniving, deceitful, racist communist clown.She thinks she’s going somewhere, I’m thinking different.When…

  • Joe’s Soliloquy

    As Joe Biden’s set adrift on a vast sea of fake tears,he hears Kamala’s cackle as she’s sucking down beers.He wonders what’s happening, he thought he had clout,now he sees conservatives knew what the left was about.He followed the party line for seventy obedient years,he was tricked into believing that they were his peers.He was…

  • On Top of Things

    We were treated to another wonderful presser,Uncle Joe put his presidency on the line.We were treated to whispering, to shouting,for a posturing vegetable, Biden did just fine.We learned some things, we saw some things,we were told to look at things we didn’t see,We were treated to Joe’s litany of stupid lies,I was impressed, comedy shows…

  • El Generalisimo

    Generalisimo Biden is going nowhere, he’s ensconced for life.When he dies the reins of government power will pass to his wife.He’s got the demonrats scrambling, tripping over their words.El General is planning on culling and cutting the demonrat herds.Hunter’s stepped up, volunteering to be the new Secretary of state.Instead of a DEI cabinet Biden will…

  • The Old Gray Joe

    Biden’s condition is worsening, breaking down every day.He can’t speak coherently, his thick tongue gets in his way.He hollers, he giggles, he jokingly blames it all on his brain.He digs his hole deeper, every time he attempts to explain.He’s not suffering from jet lag, his mind isn’t going that fast. It’s caused by all the…

  • Joey’s so Good

    Joey’s so wonderful, Joey’s so good,just a degenerate pervert who’s misunderstood.Joey looks on the bright side, Joey loves life,he’s one step behind us with his backstabbing knife.Joey’s not happy with nothing, Joe wants it all.Joey worries every day he’ll be taking a fall.Joey loves babies, Joey’s pro death,He love to see babies robbed of life’s…

  • Slipping Joe

    His urine was puddled on the floor at his feet.He squirmed in his diaper, when he took a seat.He didn’t look very happy, but how could we tell.Maybe he was reveling in his godawful smell.Jill picked up her own chair moving it further away.Hunter had a snoot full of toot, so he was okay. Looking…

  • Appearances

    Nine/tenths of the time, Brandonette don’t know where he is.He doesn’t know the last thought he had that was actually his.He’s taken to crapping in public, lift his leg, just let’er rip.Standing in his own urine, like a big, clueless, human drip.Deep into his second childhood, dumbing down’s nothing new.His big thing is now telling…

  • Leadership Counts

    His mug was contorted into a sick evil grin.His teleprompter was loaded with more insipid spin.His eyes lost their color, turning into empty black holes.One got the impression, he had sold his damned soul.His gait became a shuffle, his destination unknown.He looked like a Democrat jacka*s, afraid and alone.He spoke unintelligible gibberish, Not realizing he…

  • Who the Hell is Joe

    They laugh at him in China, he’s scoffed at in D.C.They hate him in East Palastine, he’s mocked on the Bee.They saw him coming in Hawaii, no one was impressed.He went there to pander, causing much more stress.His promises are broken, he shows our allies no respect.All Israel expects from him are lies and more…