• All About Joe

    Joe can’t remember what he said in December,Joe can’t remember what he said yesterday. He remembers, how he won 3 years ago in November,a stolen election is something that we can’t say.Joe stole an election, that’s what losers do.Are we going to let him steal election number two.He needs help to do it, Joe ain’t…

  • Return to Reality

    Flashing his rictis of death he taunts the crowd.Instead of attracting them, they’re raucous and loud.Warmed over death doesn’t draw crowds it draws flies.Especially if a living body looks like it’s recently died.The world’s on fire, Biden reacts by raising our taxes.Doubling down on stupidity, like mandating more vaxxes.Hollywood libtards tell us he’s fine, he’s…

  • Happy With Biden

    He babbled on to his syncophants and they sucked it up.With only a half of a brain, they’re Joe’s useless schlups.The treasuries dwindling, wasted by bribing these dolts.Using our hard-earned tax-dollars buying their votes.Paying them for commie opinions they shout in our faces.For blocking our freeways, constantly crowding our spaces.These people are lunatics, cretin communist…

  • Learning About Fools

    My kids told me yesterday, they’re learning about fools.Joe Biden visiting disaster zones stopped at their school.He praised their professors, he bumped several fists.He made sure when he left, he wouldn’t be missed.He pointed at someone, he warned them not to jump.He went on hour after hour dissing Donald Trump. Trump wasn’t selling out to…

  • A Kindly Old Reprobate

    Joe Biden is stealing our tax dollars, to buy his votes.32 million student loans paid for the old fool’s feeling his oats.The Supremes told him it was unconstitutional, over the line.Joe acts like their ruling is nothing more than how they opine.Like they’re just making suggestions, he can follow or break.He thinks the United States…

  • An Objective Review

    I’ve created a million jobs last month, no joke. If I’ve lied about everything, I’ve only mispoke. The right twists the BS that spews from my mouth. My brain’s here in my head, it hasn’t gone south. The Cookie Monster told me about shrinkflation. How big corporations are destroying our nation. They put fewer chips…

  • Undeserved Fame

    After we’ve been overrun and the shit’s hit the fan. Will the fools still look at Joe Biden thinking he’s the man. Will the fools still line up to kiss his weary, wore out a*s. Will they overlook his mistakes and say chutzpah is class. After push comes to shove and the world’s caught fire.…

  • Cooking One’s Goose

    Like father like son, the fruit never falls far from the tree. Joey and Hunter lie with aplomb, always nothing to see. Hunter lies before congress, It’s easier to deny and defy. To blame someone else, the Donald is usually that guy. Joe isn’t working for Hunter, Hunter is working for Joe. Joe pays him…

  • Outraged

    My outrage is growing by leaps and by bounds. How does an old reprobate keep escaping the hounds. They should be hot on his heels, yet he shuffles away. I guess they’re not playing the same game he plays. He’s got some kind of protection, some cloaking device. That hides his big stink, covers it…

  • Joe’s At It Again

    He stared at the teleprompter, he adjusted his tie. He scanned the crowd uneasily he got ready to lie. he was told he was honest, but he had his doubts. Inside he knew they were lies he was ready to spout. He licked his lips nervously, he was thinking of water. He was fondly recalling…