• Chicken Mumbo-Jumbo

    Joe’s looking around for a fan, because he’s buried in sh*t. He knows his “Good Old Joe” legacy, has took a huge hit. Something smells in the White House, Joe’s in a sh*t storm. It seems Barack Obama’s Puppet, can no longer perform. The vultures are circling, the new accusations are flying. Joe looks like…

  • Sounds Like A Plan

    As his memories fade his lies continue to grow. He tries to force us to recall what he no longer knows. He tells us he’s in fine fettle, that he’s still the man. He guarantees that no one is laughing at him in Iran. He says he needs four more years to finish the job.…

  • The Way It Is

    I try being magnamimous, I don’t believe in false praise. I attempt to suffer in silence, when sickened by lefty malaise. I like keeping a civil tongue in my head, I don’t like being a liar. I don’t believe in holding any but guilty feet to the fire. I believe in sharing my wisdom, and…

  • Proof in the Pudding

    He shuffled up to the podium, he ogled the crowd. He appeared to be hours away from wearing a shroud. He started to speak, the lies caught in his throat. Up into his head his eyeballs were starting to float. He shook his head wearily, slapped himself on the cheek. We were in for a…

  • The Story of Joe

    Some witch waved her wand and Joe Biden appeared. Most wise folks were sickened, while idiots cheered. He opened his piehole, his forked tongue flickered out. The pressroom instantly filled with bullsh*t and doubt. His reptilian eyes nictated like a lizards eyes would. Obviously something was missing, the absence of good. His thin lips slowly…

  • Joe’s Soliloquy 2

    He pondered his legacy, he scratched his dumb ass. He was stuck in a quandary, he couldn’t get past. Who the hell am I, he thought, what’s up with me? Am I really for real, do I have substance to see. Am I a poser, a charlatan, do I inspire respect. Am I a result…

  • The Cold Shoulder

    He grinned, he fell over, he stood up, he swooned. Someone bent over, he thought he was mooned. His jaw hung slack, he dribbled, he drooled. He dug in his diaper, he played with his stool. He wasn’t aware that he wasn’t aware, like a big idiot, he stood there and stared. He heard something…

  • A Legitimate Legacy

    His jaw slackened, his mouth dripped drool, Joe Biden felt energized, he knew he was cool. His eyes seemed to be even deeper black holes, no color at all, dark like his soul. His skin looked like leather, a sick pale white, he hid from the sun, afraid of the light. Dazed and confused, looking…

  • I Must Rant, I Must

    Ten million asylum seekers, allowed to scatter on the wind. None of them vetted, it’s time for this invasion to end. There must be some evil purpose, some harmful intent. Part of a democrat plan of destruction , they never relent. Dreamed up in some moronic think tank, by a secret cabal. For some stupid…

  • Hopefully

    He thinks he sweeps the floor with his enemies. He carries knives for the backs of his frenemies. His once silver tongue is now forked and tarnished. Everything he touches is left in squalor and carnage. His dream for America, is a man-made disaster. His shuffling gait takes him nowhere much faster. His life has…