• From the Top Down

    Hunter’s been indicted, he says it’s killing his dad. Most American’s are thinking, that’s too frigging bad. Hunter says the GOP wants him dead, I want him in jail. It’s the best way to detox, going cold-turkey won’t fail. Just like some tweeker, he blames everyone but himself. It’s not my fault, him and his…

  • Joe’s Christmas Message

    His face cracked into an evil sh*teating grin. He proceeded haranging us with insipid spin. Not allowed to take questions, he stupidly stared. America in the hands of an idiot, the world despaired. They rolled out the teleprompter, he looked confused. He said something inane, no one was amused. His mouth dropped open in that…

  • Tell Me Please

    I chucked one up for Biden, the bile he crams down my throat. He makes me sick with his pandering, always looking for votes. How many idiots are there, how many fools can a college churn out. Who does the thinking for Biden, who tells him what he’s about. Who took the meaning of life…

  • Too Many Liars

    Joe Biden’s talking cause he’s a liar, a liar, that’s what Joe Biden Does. Joe and Barack are both liars, big liars, The reason I can say that is well, because. If their mouths are open, they’re lying, both lying, you can’t believe a word these liars say. If not outright lying, they’re denying they’re…

  • Does Joe Even Know

    His mind was warped, the mirror wasn’t cracked. His discernment nonexistant, cognition lacked. He pushed forward cluelessly, awash in self doubt. Always shuffling in circles, what was he about. He spoke in a whisper, alternating with screams. With his head up his butt, what were his dreams. He always listened intently to the bugs in…

  • It’s Happening

    Biden was feeling surrounded, the hounds closing in. Angry scowls were replacing his pleasant rictis-like grin. Good old Uncle Joe, America’s lunch bucket hero. Was on the verge of becoming an American Nero. He wanted to burn the place down, set the world on fire. Every day he was losing more of his ballyhooed choir.…

  • Blinded By The Dark

    We were promised happiness, then we were robbed blind. Our bank accounts were emptied for every dime they could find. They promised trans-parency, and on that they came through. Giving babies to transgender perverts is what they decided to do. We constantly hear about unity as they install one party power. They support a New…

  • Thank You Joe

    Give my regards to Joe Biden, deliver my thanks. For his dedication to abortion, thinning the ranks. For his steadfast devotion to his culture of death. For his lack of contrition for every lost breath. Thank him for his leadership, his worldly manner. For his overt supplication of the communist banner. For his diabolical endeavor…

  • Dithering Joe

    Biden’s back at the beach, working on his coppertone tan. After persuading Israel to let Hamas work on a new plan. Biden gives them the money, Biden tells Israel give them time. The Israeli people are screaming, DESTROY ALL HAMAS SLIME. Maybe Hamas is coming to America, maybe they’re already here. Biden’s kickin’ it at…

  • No Laughing Matter

    Joe smiles and gibbers, Kamala cackles all day. Both think they’re funny, I wish they’d just go away. Both think they’re so clever, thinking they’re all that. Joe Biden falls on his face, Kamala’s jokes fall flat. Biden now jokes about tripping, falling down. No one wants to see him bust his damn crown. I…