• America’s Fools

    The fool in denial, tells us the economy’s swell. While he’s flipping burgers on his gas fired grill. I can’t afford any burgers, the econmy sucks. Yet Joey’s giving our taxdollars to Iranian schmucks. Iranian oil sales are booming, Israel is on fire. Biden sits in the basement playing taps on his lrye. He Doesn’t…

  • Brandon’s Wall

    Brandon’s going to resume building the wall, what a pandering punk. It’s the perfect way to rebuild his approval rating, it’s a slam-dunk. It’s a democrat plan to deflect attention from the ongoing invasion. Whatever this grandstanding punk does it won’t change the equation. What good is some token wall-building, when floodgates are flung wide.…

  • Impeachment Blues

    Will Joe Biden resign or will the wuss tough it out. Does the fool even know what his impeachment’s about. I’m sure he remembers how he got his illgotten gains. I’m sure theres a spark of awareness, in his senile brain. Will he be allowed to testify in his decreased mental state. Will the left…

  • The Nitty-Gritty

    His drool’s turned corrosive, just like his thoughts. His circuits are misfiring, brain tied up in knots. He panders to zombies, he promises brains. He thrives on chicanery and hordes illgotten gains. His smile is twisted, his grin a rictis of death. Like a fish out of water, he gasps with each breath. His visage…

  • The Legacy

    Joe Biden’s a thinking man, his brain is on fire. He gets all his great ideas from an implanted wire. He also travels extensively, a frequent lowflyer. He’s loves the swamp with it’s muck and mire. Joe Biden’s a businessman, he made a great fortune. His success compared to his skill is out of proportion.…

  • Joe’s Slipping Away

    His skin lost any semblance of color, fishbelly white. He looked like death warmed over, on a dark night. He’s whisked off to the beach to burn in the sun. Hoping for a nice ruddy complexion, when he’s done. Instead he looks like a corpse, a sun boiled lobster. A fitting look for a ghoul,…

  • Jump Ship Joe

    Everything’s turning to sh*t, someone had the nerve to tell Joe. Look at yourself, you’re covered in sh*t from head to toe. You really stepped in it, thinking you could handle this job. In no time everyone realized you’re a compromised lying slob. The truth’s come to light Joe, you should be covered in shame.…

  • The Set-Up

    The commie horde’s ready, Jinping is looking about. Looking for easy targets, whose leaders sold out. He has Joe in his pocket, already doing his bidding. Xi’s flexing his muscles, Joe’s at the beach, how befitting. Xi’s looking at Tiawan, he’s threatening the Philippines. Building bases in the South China Sea, spreading his wings. He’s…

  • It’s the Future Joe

    He was rubbing his forehead, his thoughts turned to sh*t. He blubbered, he boohooed, he hawked up some spit. He let fly a big loogie, it dribbled from his chin to his shoe. He was caught up in a quandary, he was missing a screw. His new tan made him look manly, Jill said like,…

  • Beach Blanket Biden

    Joe’s on vacation, Joe’s gone to the beach. Joe’s sucking down tax dollars, like a damn leech. 380 days of vacation out of two and a half years. I’m not saying its a good thing when he reappears. When he’s back in our faces, bumbling about. Losing his childish temper, starting to shout. White folks…