• A Man With No Soul

    Biden lectures us about justice, I think he’s joking. From him it means nothing, more senseless provoking. Americans want justice, we want Joe Biden to pay. Our kind of justice doesn’t involve Biden walking away. It’s about Joe going to prison, for malfeasance in office. For treating Americans with biased fueled malice. He’s constantly in…

  • Huge Piece of Offal

    Joe Biden’s not racist, no sirree Bob. He’s just a morally decrepit, dysfunctional snob. One who speaks gibberish then foolishly grins. I catch myself thinking, thank God he’s not twins. He runs his crime family with a compromised brain. Can he remember where he stashed his illegal gains. Can he be put on the witness…

  • Calm Down Joe!

    His eyes had been scanned, nothing was seen. His words were scrutinized, nothing pertinent gleaned. His shuffle was studied, he was dragging his feet. There was a brown stain on his suits shiny seat. Someone noticed an odor, from ten yards away. Told he smelled really rank, he had nothing to say. Someone dropped their…

  • The Morning Joe

    He wickedly grinned through his yellowing teeth. Crawling out from under the rock he slept beneath. He scratched his bald dome and old skin peeled off. He slurped up some kool-aid from his drinking trough. He saw Jill and smiled, wanting a good morning kiss. She warned him away with a sibilant hiss. Not being…

  • Salvation vs Damnation

    Banks are collapsing, the economy’s crumbling. The fool in the White House is constantly bumbling. In shock we are gasping, as our lives are destroyed. In fear of the tactics, the communists have employed. They don’t like America’s greatness, they need mediocrity. Ushered in by insipid idiots, awash in depravity. It’s the recipe for destruction,…

  • The Prevaricator

    I can’t shake them loose, they’re stuck in my head. Every damn stinking lie, Joe Biden has spread. Starting with ” I swear to defend the constitution” He hasn’t honored his vow, can we demand prosecution. Or he would faithfully execute the office of president. He’s shot that vow all to hell, is it a…

  • Biden’s Border

    People are dying while our fearless leader is dithering. He should be under political fire and it should be withering. He should be impeached, for not honoring his oath. He should be in prison, out of office, or probably both. He’s neglected the border, he prefers all the chaos. He doesn’t care a damn bit…

  • A Slap in Our Face

    He lurched around wretchedly, looking confused. I found myself thinking, is Joe Biden abused. A girl came up behind Joe, she passed him a phone. Joe Biden took it and like E.T. called home. The phone was his lifeline, he looked relieved. Besides Joe Being abused, I felt deceived. They tell us daily, Joe is…

  • Not Only Braindead

    It goes without saying, that nothing was said. More outright lies, meaning more fools were misled. Fools like the speaker, who doesn’t know right from wrong. Whose power of discernment is pretty much gone. You might see some drool spilling from their lips. As they foolishly laugh at his assinine quips. Crap like “don’t jump”…

  • Biden Just Says Stuff

    Biden just says stuff, most of it outright lies. If he knew what he’s saying, would he be surprised. Does he understand gibberish, nonsense and bull. Is creating confusion and doubt, his only goal. What’s with the sunglasses, is his future that bright. Is he a creature of darkness, afraid of the light. Is he…