• Tell Me Please

    I chucked one up for Biden, the bile he crams down my throat. He makes me sick with his pandering, always looking for votes. How many idiots are there, how many fools can a college churn out. Who does the thinking for Biden, who tells him what he’s about. Who took the meaning of life…

  • Nothing To See Here

    There’s nothing to see here, democrats like to say. Not if you’re not watching aka purposely looking away. The Biden’s aren’t criminals, Hunter made that clear. He said the proofs in the pudding, it’s not what we hear. Hunter calls us shameful, what a hypocritical twit. We’re not the drug addicts and we’re not full…

  • I’m So Happy

    The democrats have convinced me that I’m much better off. I must admit the kool-aid is tasty from the democrat trough. Their lies seem more believable, their pipedreams attainable. Paying off our national debt is a goal seeming obtainable. My cupboards only look empty the first day of the week. But when I get my…

  • For the Nonce

    Wackjobs and hacks, pandering puds. Punks in high heels, waiting for floods. Morons grinning like idiots, mental midgets. Know-it-all nothings, insufferable twits. Democrat cannon fodder, disposable scum. Fantastical dreamers, begging for crumbs. Endarkened minds, flapping pie-holes. Foolishly striving for communist goals. Point them and push them into a fray. Chanting Stupidity for a week and…

  • Global Smarming

    The heat, the heat, the crybabies cry. The climate is changing, look at the sky. The clouds appear to be boiling, roiling around. We all hear them sizzling, down here on the ground. The ground is too hot, our feet are on fire. The world is quickly becoming our funeral pyre. The sky is melting,…

  • Bu**er Off

    Equivocating, pussyfooting around, nothing but lies on which they expound. expostulating, nay-sayers all, too much damn bullsh*t stuck to the wall. Accomplished thieves, nighttime or day, they let us earn it then take it away. Insincere smiles, shedding fake tears, when really needed, no one appears. Gladhanding extroverts, quick with false praise, detriments to society,…

  • Controlled

    Joe Biden wants a ceasefire, what does Joe Biden fear. Who the hell’s whispering in Joe Biden’s Cowardly ear. Who is Biden beholding to, does Joe have pals in Iran. Are they the ones behind our surrender in Afghanistan. Was Joe offered a substantial payoff he couldn’t refuse. Why else would he abandon our ally,…

  • Blinded By The Dark

    We were promised happiness, then we were robbed blind. Our bank accounts were emptied for every dime they could find. They promised trans-parency, and on that they came through. Giving babies to transgender perverts is what they decided to do. We constantly hear about unity as they install one party power. They support a New…

  • Thank You Joe

    Give my regards to Joe Biden, deliver my thanks. For his dedication to abortion, thinning the ranks. For his steadfast devotion to his culture of death. For his lack of contrition for every lost breath. Thank him for his leadership, his worldly manner. For his overt supplication of the communist banner. For his diabolical endeavor…

  • Joe’s Dilemma

    Down in the weeds where snakes like to slither. Joe Biden shuffles along his mind in a dither. Looking for divine inspiration, Joe hears only Barack. Or his son Hunter calling, always wanting more crack. Joe hears Obama in one ear, Hunter in the other. Come night he lays in his crib, crying for his…