• Democrat Thanksgiving

    Democrats are thankful for abortion, denying babies life’s breath. They’re thankful for money mad doctors that put babies to death. They’re thankful for the transgender agenda destroying young lives. They’re thankful for the public schools where this nonsense thrives. Democrats are thankful for the idiots who believe lies over truth. Thankful for the college professors…

  • Gall + Balls

    Gas prices are falling, whoop-de-doo, for how long. Its just a good way to distract us from what’s going on. When gas prices go down, food goes through the roof. Folks watch their savings disappear just like that ‘poof’. We’re told life is good, that bidenomics is doing great. Maybe the fools who believe that…

  • Ending the Nonsense

    Bury Hamas in their tunnels, collapse the whole evil place. Raze the Gaza sh*thole to the ground, don’t leave a trace. Israel knows what it’s doing, Joe Biden doesn’t know squat. He’s nothing but a puppet, a flunkie of anti-semitic Barrack. Hamas hides behind children, the act of moraless cowards. Gaza is an evil cesspool…

  • Justice Awaits

    Slither off into your deserved infamy, you bitter old skank. You’re like a depraved piranha, circling in a shark tank. No one wants to hear you spew your hatefilled opinions. No one watches your interviews with like minded minions. You’re a failed politician trying to repair your legacy. Still making excuses for losing, you should…

  • The Big Clean-Up

    In the streets of LaLa Land. they cleaned up some poop. They were expecting a visitor they were wanting to dupe. They scrubbed the city sidewalks they sandblasted the walls. They cleaned up the graffiti and the pornographic perverted scrawls. They loaded up dumptrucks, they dumped the poop in the bay. They passed out money…

  • We All Know It’s True

    Teach kids to be stupid, then tell them they’re smart. Show them cute animations, brainwash from the start. Show them fake children, don’t blame the teachers. Teach them religion is bad, especially those preachers. Why protect the children if you want grown up fools. To get brainwashed morons you start in grade schools. It’s a…

  • Quit Carrying On

    The Hag Hillary is at it again, with her hypocritical demented spin. The woman’s confused, out of her mind, the truth is something to which she is blind. She’s out to get Trump, for what she’s done, in her dance with the truth, everything’s spun. The Hag isn’t honest, she doesn’t care, her quest is…

  • It’s Time

    It’s time to stop with the lying, quit with the racist white fibs. Your tongue is not sugar-coated, you’re nowhere near glib. You’re not talking to fools, we know you’re the party of hate. You dance around any truth, like you’re on a blind date. When you abandoned your scruples, you lost your way. Demonrats…

  • My Kind Of Rant

    Making our enemies happy, by tearing America down. Mocking our morals supporting transgender clowns. Flying down the highway to Hell, Barrack in control. Hearing Joe Biden’s babbling, Obamas talking a*shole. A new mideast alignment that seems to be anti-jew. Enabling our frenemies in everything they now do. Everythings done in secret, on a need to…

  • Full Speed Ahead

    Democrats have so many talking points, the fools get confused. Their base listens and cheers, obviously no one is enthused. Talking points from committees that do nothing but talk. Full of demoquack thinkers that do nothing but squawk. Demonrats go on about anything, Always creating new rules. Teaching claptrap and nonsense in our public schools.…