• The Crisis

    Theres a crisis on our border, theres a crisis in D.C. Theres a crisis in America, if we can’t trust what we see. Theres a tendency to gaslight and a tendency to cheat. A tendency to stifle voices that stand up to their deceit. We’re afficted with decrepitude, in the highest places. With dishonorable politicians…

  • The Empathy Card

    Joe says he’s still going to East Palestine, why does anyone care. Their lives have moved on, why would they want Biden there. No one wants to hear him blabbing on about something stupid or inane. No one needs to have Joe Biden lie to them about feeling their pain. Six months have already gone…

  • Don’t Worry Brandon

    His words are carefully chosen, his lies well rehearsed. he hasn’t a care in the world, how his grift is dispersed. In a bank account here and in several more overseas. Maybe buried out back of his mansion deep under a tree. Joe doesn’t seem to be worried, he thinks its a joke. His back…

  • The Big Cabal

    No matter all the fake tears, or all the dogs wagged. Joe Biden’s a traitor, signed, sealed and tagged. No more declarations of innocense, no more protestations. It’s time he steps down from office, without hesitation. No more mainstream media, with its litany of lies. No more of the bullsh*t, of being there to deny.…

  • Hardy Har Pshaw!

    At the core of our problems, there sits a buffoon. One that wasn’t elected, yet still calls the tune. Eighty one million votes, I say hardy har pshaw. This clueless maroon has been stuck down our craw. He’s Barack’s final legacy, I will always blame Obama. It’s his fault we’re stuck with Joe Biden and…

  • It Goes Around, It Comes Around

    Fair advantages cannot be allowed, everybody can’t win. The democrats must retain power, they must cheat again. They must go to their think tanks, and unending scheming. If they lose all we’ll hear is their wailing and screaming. They will ignore the constitution in their theft of elections. They will bring back covid with lockdowns…

  • Drop the BS, Back Away From the Kids

    Let’s teach kids to be dumber, teachers unions beseech. Let’s make sure they’re so stupid they can’t ever teach. Look! You dumba*s groomers, that goal has been reached. You can’t teach them to be dumber, it’s an impossible task. You’re already stealing their brains, is that why you’re masked. That’s why parents are pissed, and…

  • How Dare They

    How dare a black man support Donald Trump. Such a predilection openly defies demonrat rules. How dare a black man say, Trump has been chumped. That’s not what they’re taught in our public schools. They’re taught subservience, to stupid ideology. They’re taught to judge others by racist biology. Taught they’re owed everything, taught to be…

  • The Set-Up

    The commie horde’s ready, Jinping is looking about. Looking for easy targets, whose leaders sold out. He has Joe in his pocket, already doing his bidding. Xi’s flexing his muscles, Joe’s at the beach, how befitting. Xi’s looking at Tiawan, he’s threatening the Philippines. Building bases in the South China Sea, spreading his wings. He’s…

  • Blood of Damnation

    Let’s kill some more babies, say demonrats, rubbing their hands. We need more room for illegal aliens and our vote stealing plans. We’d be so much more popular, if we supported more partial birth. Eliminating another 64 million americans off the face of the earth. No one hears their screaming as we suck out their…