• Plenty to Say

    I own less than nothing, but I have plenty to say. I wish the demonrat leeches would just go away. I hate a damn government that gets in the way. I carry rattraps in my pockets, loaded with cheese. Hoping to catch the damn thieves that never say please. They acquire the right to our…

  • Re-Educate Me

    I need re-education, my thoughts are all wrong. I must be brainwashed by evil, just to get along. My being right is too dangerous, it can’t be allowed. I must be taught to be stupid, to make myself proud. My way of thinking must change, my heroes must fall. I must become hoity-toity and accept…

  • Beach Blanket Biden

    Joe’s on vacation, Joe’s gone to the beach. Joe’s sucking down tax dollars, like a damn leech. 380 days of vacation out of two and a half years. I’m not saying its a good thing when he reappears. When he’s back in our faces, bumbling about. Losing his childish temper, starting to shout. White folks…

  • Questions for Idiots

    If you made your home in a desert, why complain of the heat. If you’re a born loser, you should be happy sucking hind teat. If you build your house in the forest, why complain about fires. If you’re that frigging stupid, you should join the democrat choir. If you build your house on a…

  • It’s High Time

    We have an intel community that’s busily gathering lies. We have a piece of crap president, who’s gathering flies. He has an overpaid cabinet, that ain’t worth two cents. We have a republican senate, that sits on the fence. We have a mainstream media, that no one believes. They are destroying America, none of them…

  • The Biden Malaise

    Fearless leaders on the beach, he’s kicking back. While the constitutions is under a commie attack. He hides in the basement, he tans on the beach. He hangs on for dear life, a bloodsucking leech. He’s working for China, he’s at their beck and call. Who knows what sick secrets, are in his thick skull.…

  • Damn The Corruptocrats

    Down with the corruptocrats, UP WITH THE PEOPLE. Down with these demonrats and their communist sheeple. Long live our constitution and patriots who defend her. Cast out the minions of the adversary, the pretender Down with the adherents of Satan, the truly impure. How much do the forces of evil think we will endure. Stand…

  • Contagious Stupidity

    Stupidity must be contagious, in modern democrat society. Kids heads filled with democrat hogwash, and useless banality. How do you transform fertile brains into heads full of rocks. Public schools are no better than the school of hard knocks. At least the streets might teach lessons that communists can’t. You could learn something besides stupid…

  • Swept Away

    Donald Trump has been hosed, we the people are cheated. By these trumped up charges, meant to see Trump’s defeated. The Cabal is impressed with their actions, proud of their fraud. Running over the constitution and we the people roughshod. There is a God up in Heaven so this perfidy shall not stand. Democrats whistle…

  • Justice Knows

    Justice has been stripped of her blindfold. Demonrats think justice must be controlled. She sees their kangaroo courts, prejudiced judges. She sees the courts being used to settle old grudges. She sees money changing hands, witnesses bought. She feels for the innocent who in these webs get caught. True justice doesn’t exist anymore, it’s been…