• The Party of Crime

    Tell the police to stand by, but keep an eye on the crime. Looks like a brilliant idea by big city demonrat slime. Don’t touch the criminals, arrest those who get in their way. Say goodbye to your taxbase, as taxpayers move away. It tells me American cities, are in the hands of the crooks.…

  • Shot Dead in Utah

    I don’t want the FBI to kick in my door to shoot me dead. Because Joe Biden’s afraid of the truth I’ve Spread. I don’t threaten Biden I just point out obvious flaws. It’s not me who’s the traitor, it’s Joe breaking our laws. Folks who fear spoken words pick up sticks and stones. Then…

  • Going Down, Joe?

    The dumbest excuses I’ve ever heard, are put out there by idiots who take Biden’s word. Joe says he’s not guilty, Joe’s a damn honest man, these people believing his lies is part of the plan. Do they actually believe, is it part of the job. are they willing idiots perpetrating Joe’s fraud. Jeanne Pierre…

  • Democrat Deception

    Black Americans are dying, democrats are crying fake tears. Our inner cities are crime zones, democrats monger fears. Democrats are quick to virtue signal how they care so much. Yet inner city crime is a problem they’re unwilling to touch. They’re all about gun control, taking guns from good citizens. But Blacks killing Blacks, they…

  • Say Who

    Thriving in ignorance, blossoming in the dark. Reveling in incompetence, circling like sharks. Hypocritical bastar*s, Quick casting blame. High handed morons, playing their games. Bootlicking gophers, serving their master. In their wake leaving, a long line of disasters. Employed with our money, we get nothing back. Smiling in our faces, soulless political hacks. Lifelong politicians,…

  • The Predicament

    Joe Biden’s caught up in a quandary, he doesn’t know which way to go. He finds himself in a predicament, get some popcorn, check out the show. He finds himself in hot water, he needs to know which lies to use. That’s why Joe’s wagging the Donald, why the DOJ heaps on the abuse. Only…

  • Bidin’ With Barry

    Don’t be so condescending, Mr. Prsident, Sir. Us poor little peons have too much to endure. We don’t like being lorded over by a fool such as you. We don’t like being ignored by your communist crew. We see you’re important, we see your swelled heads. We see you care about Biden and secure his…

  • Follow the Money

    if you backtrack Joe Biden’s money to see where it’s from. It comes from Jinping, Zekinsky and other uncovered scum. It comes from George Soros and and our enemies in Iran. It comes from Joe Biden’s buddies the terrorist Taliban. It comes from Romania and most ikely from Kyrgistan. It came from anyone seeking influence…

  • I Need to Know

    Where’s the compassion the left loves to extoll. Why won’t habitual liars ever shut their pieholes. Why is the same song and dance go on forever. When will the democrats leaders learn to endeavor. What’s with broken promises, is it a democrat thing. What dysfunctional choir, wants to hear Joe Biden sing. Who’s living high…

  • Wasted

    Wasted words and wasted thoughts, wasting time with evil plots. Useless drivel, spouted by fools, wasted lifes as communist tools. Wasted money on foolish dreams, wasted innocence on vile things. Misplaced trust and wasted love, go together hand and glove. Wasted gifts and wasted minds, life really doesn’t accept all kinds. Wasted moments and rueful…