• You Have a Choice

    They have voids in their thinking, holes in their heads. They’ve lost all continuity, losing track of life’s threads. They’re message is irrevelent, claptrap for fools. Put out there by idiots, from where the imbeciles rule. A tasteless new pablum to be sucked up by dolts. A vile gruel hashed and rehashed by psuedo-adults. An…

  • Injustice in Motion

    The wheels keep turning, American injustice in motion. Another indictment on Trump, what’s all the commotion. MSM with their second by second coverage, a bit overdone. The whole outrageous debacle has been totally spun. The breathless discussion, like a PGA golf tournament. Much ado about nothing, Broadcasting their biased lament.. Don’t think about Biden, Keeping…

  • Persecuting the Donald

    Six new Trump indictments, the demonrats overplaying thier hand. They think we’re really numbskulls, thinking we don’t understand. Their hand is a loser, the fools are trying to bluff it through. The Donald’s popularity grows, every time they turn a new screw. The Donald continues to smile his campaign full speed ahead. He doesn’t seem…

  • At the Box Office

    How stupid do they think we are, what kind of morons are they? Are they willing to go too far, destroying everything on the way? Who the hell’s writing their script, when America’s soul is at stake? It’s like a crappy Hollywood movie, costing trillions of dollars to make. Filmed by commie directors, with a…

  • Refloat the Boat

    The back door is standing wide open, the front door is left ajar. The Chinese are hacked into the pentagon, the left has gone to far. We’re set up for destruction, the Sword of Damocles over our heads. Biden whistles through the graveyard, he sold us out to the reds. The White House is dysfunctional,…

  • Joe’s Handbook

    If caught up in your perfidy, double down on your lies. If under GOP scrutiny, defy then deny, deny and deny. If you don’t care to answer, pop off some stupid reply. If asked about Hunter, tell’em Hunter’s not high. If asked about stolen elections, bring up insurrection. If caught in a quandary, never make…

  • Fifty Years

    Fifty years in government, three cheers for the twit. It’s a new record, fifty years of not giving a sh*t.. Fifty years full of lies, fifty years of pandering. Fifty years of tax cheating and likely philandering. A half century doing nothing, except wasting our money. Growing older and stupider, into a glorified dummie. Fifty…

  • Still Ranting

    Twerking for toddlers, ball sacks hanging low. Parents clapping and cheering such a sick show. The children are frightened, the parents amused. Having a ball, while their kids are being abused. They love pervert inclusivity, and all it involves. Including how a societies values quickly dissolve. The creep show goes on, the feckless fools cheer.…

  • BLM Ghettos

    The demonrats want to build slums for immigrants on BLM land. Another stupid communist pipedream, the demonrats be damned. Another ridiculous evil plot to change red state voting demographics. They can shove it up their butts, you can imagine my graphics. No good can come from this, who do they think’s going to pay. Talk…

  • Silence = Compliance

    The Corruption runs deep in the democrat kangaroo courts. Specializing in weaponized justice, for fake crimes of all sorts. Justice is no longer blind, she’s now biased and badly abused. She works for the demonrats, they laugh but we’re not amused. Charges are manufactured, they’re set aside until needed. When there’s a damaging Biden action…