• Evil Testosterone

    American’s are becoming weak, as the left sissifies young men. Strong moral men are mocked, as the leftists espouse living in sin. Women with commonsense and values are denigrated and mocked. Our children grow up being brainwashed, why is anyone shocked. The left claims there’s no trans agenda, their whole life is a lie. Who…

  • What’s Wrong With Lying

    Democrat lies clutter the airwaves, a constant assault on our ears. Yet when accused of your lying, miraculously no one can hear. You whistle through graveyards while looking for votes. The ship of state is sinking, because your rocking the boat. No one knows what you’re thinking, your reason for the lies. Left to do…

  • Say It’s So Joe

    Democrat border management is working, the illegals are waltzing across. Every day they’re showing border czar Mayorkas, who’s really the boss. The drugs are still freely flowing, more Americans die every day. Once again we can’t trust any democrat, not a damn thing they say. They don’t care about the sex-trafficking, children just disappear. They…

  • The Reckoning

    Out of the woodwork, from under their rocks. From creepy people who thrive on Tik-Tok. From the swamps deeps, from out of the blue. The fear-mongering perverts are coming for you. Their message is evil, their intent is demonic. An assault on our senses, that isn’t harmonic. Like scratching on glass, assailing our ears. Or…

  • The Red Nightmare

    There isn’t any pie-in-the-sky, the communists haven’t promised. There isn’t any death and destruction they would not wish upon us. There isn’t a lie they haven’t told, or a truth they haven’t spun. There isn’t a criminal act they haven’t dreamed of or done. There isn’t a pathway to hell they wouldn’t willingly follow. There…

  • Education vs Programming

    In our institutions of higher learning is where stupidity thrives. Where tenured professors teach bullsh*t and worthless jive. A place where a persons value is judged by his or her skin. Where learning takes a back seat to partying and wallowing in sin. Educations is a misnomer, tuition funds wasted with naught in return. Kids…

  • Running the Show

    Who the hell is calling the shots. Who could it be pulling Joe’s strings. Who’s dreaming up these asinine plots. We know it ain’t Joe who’s running things. Joe is visibly dying in front of our eyes. The left won’t admit it, they’re too into lies. Their problem with honesty endangers us all. We’re sick…

  • The Teflon Don

    He’s destroyed paradise, let’s elect Gavin Newsome. He could run with Kennedy, a real terrible twosome. We’d have two, twofaced liars for a total of four faces. A slew of ignorant a-holes to crowd our sacred places. One stands for nothing, the other stood up for naught. The perfect replacement for the jackass we’ve got.…

  • Fake History Smitten

    The left’s legends are legion, none of them true. It’s called rewriting history, an affront they’re wont to do. Bad people become angels, the paintbrush is broad. With their lies and their pen, they seek to be gods. Such a small slice of society, what a grandiose scheme. Redefining America to fit their communist dreams.…

  • Just an Old Nothing

    The country’s been led into a world of hurt. If the left has it’s way we’ll be eating dirt. Eating dirt and loving it, that’s what they say. I’m not at all happy with this game the fools play. I’ll exercise my free speech, tell them to get lost. Their communist plans come at too…