• It’s Bizarre

    Are there intelligent democrats, I don’t mean sly like a fox. I mean real life intelligence, not heads chock-full of rocks. Do they have a thing with bulls**t, like human dung beetles. What’s with their urge to murder and kill anything fetal. Are there any democrats that actually think before acting. Who aren’t into cover-ups,…

  • Truth About Demonrats

    Why do democrats pander to those dumber than dirt. How do the Biden’s manage to avoid their just desserts. The FBI, DOJ, and the IRS, sure as hell aren’t making a fuss. We pay their salaries but it’s obvious they don’t work for us. They cover tracks for the criminals, cover for the crooks. It…


    I’ve listened to to the words of a million fools. I’ve seen the breaking of ten million rules. I’ve learned perverts are grooming children in schools. I’ve seen Biden with children and how he drools. I’ve seen college taught idiots become commie tools. I’ve heard how Joe Biden plays with his stool. There’s an obvious…

  • Choose the Right

    The bottom of the barrel has been scraped. America’s treasury has been thoroughly raped. America’s place in the world has been usurped. Our values were lessened as perverts twerked. Young minds were groomed, by ungodly men. The serpent Lucifer, bites at our heels again. His head must be crushed to redeem our souls. Weak people…

  • This Too Shall Pass

    Run for the swamp, here comes Donald Trumps Q-anon. The democrats have lost it, their grip on reality gone. I heard their neck viens bulged, when they emerged from the woods. They caused death & destruction in that Charlottesville hood. Since then they’ve been everywhere, when democrat evil’s around. An ephemeral scapegoat, imagine that, never…

  • Snow in the Crackhouse

    So there’s snow in the White House, isn’t that groovy. It sounds like the plot, of some crappy Hollywierd movie. Whose cocaine could it possibly be, nobody knows. But look there goes Hunter, furiously scratching his nose. His mouth going a mile a minute, his hands are a blur. Who elses coke could it be,…

  • Just a Biden Flunky

    In defence of Joe Biden, what can Jeanne Pierre say. Besides, I refer you to so and so, and then look away. She won’t answer hard questions, concerning Joe Biden. If it’s not in her notebook, it’s an answer she’s hiding. Joe Biden doesn’t pay her, she’s not working for him. She should answer our…

  • Don’t Be One of Those

    We need more democrats, thereby, wide open borders. We need more disquiet, widespread chaos and disorder. We don’t need enforced laws, thereby, we don’t need police. We need more criminals, bankrobbers, shoplifters and thieves. We must welcome insanity, infesting America’s streets. We don’t need security, we can offer handouts and treats. They can clean up…

  • The Poisoned Trough

    What a tangled web’s been weaved, when demonrats deceive. The bullsh*t walks, the money’s squawked, nothing can be believed. The rabbit hole grows ever deeper, the suspects list grows each day. With a weaponized DOJ, will the corruptocrats just walk away. Have threats been made, to protect the Biden crime machine. Are we expected to…

  • Birth of a Disaster

    Democrat leaders have always been racist, now they’re mostly insane. Their arguments are totaly specious, debating with them is in vain. They used to stand up for our Republic, now it’s throw away words. Inclusivity is their newest bullsh*t, but their meaning is blurred. Inclusion is only for half of America, those easily endarkened. Those…