• Tell Me About It

    When due process is lacking, it means we’re all screwed. Bad behaviour is overlooked and the facts are eschewed. Who needs their due process, when true justice is skewed. When honesty’s been compromised, by natural born liars. Who else would they sing to but their gullible choirs. What’s so great about change, is it something…

  • Charade or Parade

    The pedos are marching, the idiots cheer. A whole month is perverted, to celebrate queer. The trannies transforn, the drag queens twerk. Joe Biden is drooling, wearing his smirk. Kiddies are clapping, at pretty vainbows. Anyone born with morals, is holding their nose Naked old perverts on bikes without seats. Trannies in clownsuits profferring treats.…

  • California Scheming

    Democrat laws never stop anything, always making things worse. Their effect on our society can be like we’ve been cursed. California once was a paradise that they’ve turned into hell. The once beautiful cities, are care centers for the sick and unwell. They’re not helping anyone, letting bums crap in the street. Shoplifting is decriminalized,…


    Hunter’s been humbled, Joe’s crime family defamed. With Hunter’s slap on the wrist, American’s have been gamed. Joe Biden breathes easier, Merrick covered his back. Hunter bolted to the basement, needing a big jolt of crack. He slammed it he jammed it, he dropped to the floor. He danced the old funky chicken, like never…

  • It Could Happen

    The demonrats are turning vicious, their sharp little teeth are bared. Biden’s ship of state is sinking, it’s starting to look like they’re scared. The truth is overtaking their lies, the writing can be seen on the wall. Biden’s approval is slipping, The democrats doubledown on their gall. The old accusations are flying, the same…

  • Time For a Change

    The FBI and ATF must be defunded, these agencies are out of control. As an enforcement arm for the Bidens, They’ve dug themselves into a hole. They intentionally protected Hunter, By not investigating his crimes. Now we have whistleblowers, coming forward to start dropping dimes. Surprise, surprise, the FBI is rife with corruption, weaponized by…

  • Ho-Hum

    The questions are real, his answers are lies. His cronies are laughing, slapping their thighs. His smile is gruesome, a sick thing to be seen. It causes sharp pains , in my healthy spleen. A smell of decay is present, wafting around. Something needs to be buried, deep underground. Seals are clapping, rewarded with fish.…

  • Take Heed

    They peddle dreams of destruction, at the same time mongering fear. They can’t see no one is listening to their lies we don’t care to hear. Whose purpose is it they serve, whose glory is it they’re seeking. It seems they seek only power, the goal of most spiritual weaklings. Can they profess compassion for…

  • 15 Minutes of Infamy

    The democrats love their agenda, known as lies and deceit. Seeking fifteen minutes of infamy, ignominy sounds so sweet. Caring not who is disparaged, or whom their policies hurt. Objecters are tossed to the wayside, like a dog shaking off dirt. It’s their way or the highway, there can be no exceptions. Truth is anathema…

  • Slippery Slopes

    Someone stuck a red flag on his lawn, the ATF showed up the same day. They kicked down his front door and drug him and his family away. They searched the whole house, confiscating every one of his guns. No search warrant, no warning, the constitution is being undone. Some anti-gun activist was exercising his…